
Select your Session
My Reiki Sessions are a based on the traditional Usui Reiki Healing. My goal is to make healing as gentle as possible and the energy will always go where it is most needed. Each healing is individual to you and what you need that day. I work with your Highest Self and assist you in healing on every level.
New Client Session
(60 Minutes) We will review your needs and spend time discussing what you may expect during your session.
Repeat Customer Session
(60 Minutes)
$30 - $50
Distance Reiki Session
(30 minutes - 60 minutes)
The Distance Reiki technique is usually about 30 minutes long, but can continue longer if you like. We will schedule a time and date with you for the distance Reiki session. By setting up a specific time, you can be in a receptive state (such as lying down or meditating during the treatment).
Sit, or lie comfortably, and make sure you won’t be too cold. Wear loose, nonrestrictive clothing, turn off any phones, close the computer. This time is for you.
Close your eyes and take several deep, slow breaths to relax. Tell your chatty mind that it is not needed right now. You have no-where else to be, just here.
Bring your focus to the sounds around you. If thoughts, questions or ideas come into your mind, just let them be there, and then go. Don’t latch on and go down that path. If you feel your attention wander, just return to following your breath in and out.